


Adri Audifirst

Programmer, Backend Developer

Born in Indonesia, 16 December 2002

My name is Adri Audifirst, commonly called Adri. I am currently a final-year student at Diponegoro University, majoring in Informatics, with a focus on the Software Engineering.

At the moment, I am "unemployed" since my last project was completed. In other words, I am a full-time final-year student. Outside of my studies, I spend my free time working on personal projects, exploring new technologies (especially in web development), revising my thesis, and occasionally playing video games.

As an Informatics student, I am expected to understand various aspects of the software engineering process. However, my interest is more focused on backend development and databases. As you can see from this personal website, I don’t spend much time on user interface or user experience (UI/UX) design, as I feel less creative in that area. However, if you already have a mockup or prototype that you want to bring to life, I would be more than happy to help develop it.

  • 【Education】
  • (2018-2021) Xavier 2 High School Jambi
  • (2021-Present) Diponegoro University


Some of my abilities and experience!

【Programming Proficieny】

  • Language: TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Python
  • Framework: Express.js, Laravel, Django


  • (2021) FT UNDIP Coding Bootcamp - Python (Backend)
  • (2024) Bangkit Academy 2024 By Google, GoTo, Traveloka - Cloud Computing Learning Path


  • Visual Graphics Computing Lab Assistant - Universitas Diponegoro (Feb 2024-May 2024)
  • Full Stack Engineer - PT PLN (Persero) (Jan 2024 - Feb 2024)
  • Full Stack Developer - I-GATE 2023 (Sep 2023 -Jan 2024)
  • Back End Developer - ANFORCOM 2023 (May 2023 - Oct 2023)


  • I-Tix - (I-GATE Web Ticketing) → Repo
  • Bookorama - (Book Purchase System) → Repo
  • Batikify Docs - (Batikify API Documentation) → Confidential
  • Wisudawan FSM → Repo
  • Evaluation Level 1 - (Level 1 Evaluation Integrated Management System) → Confidential
  • Warmindo Inspirasi Indonesia - (Point of Sales Information System at Warmindo Inspirasi Indonesia) → Repo

